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This is more of a personal post...

Bella Clark 07/07/07 - 26/08/17.

Today our beloved sister, daughter, friend and pet passed away. She was everything you could ever want from a dog and more. She cared for you when you was sad or felt poorly. She got worked up when the family was in a fight, she always wanted everyone to love each other. She always wanted to play, sleep and eat. She loved going on our beds and sleeping under the covers, anything to be close to us and to feel our love and comfort. She smelt amazing and she always gave lots of kisses. She cried a happy cry when you rubbed her belly and told her she was a good girl. She gave you kisses when you told her you loved her, because she wanted to tell you she loved you too. She loved being in the car and got excited about where ever we was going next. She loved going for long walks and running through the fields. She sighed if you kissed her lots when she was sleeping but she loved it really. She loved chocolate and grapes, basically any food she wasn't allowed. She jumped out of her bed when she heard the cheese grater or the knife sharpener. She loved a roast dinner. She'd often run to my room or upstairs to see me and Zoë even though she wasn't supposed to. She knew what it meant to be clean, walkies, bed time, on your bed, what do you do, leave it, love you, kisses and good girl. She was scared of the hoover. She would bark if you whacked a teatoowl. She didn't like being blown on. She got in the shower with you. She licked soap off your legs. She sat with you in the bathroom when you went to the toilet. She always wanted a belly rub. She let you pick her up and carry her around. She sometimes ate the cats poo. She sometimes went down the bin in the house and the bins in the garden. She shook when we got the guinea pig out the cage. She watched the fish in the ponds and sometimes jumped in. She ate the guinea pigs food out the shed. She loved jumping on the chairs. She loved the sun. She barked at the ball when you played with her. She was yappy sometimes with other dogs. She loved Tiggy and he loved her. She liked being groomed. She could never decide between her two beds. She loved tooth paste. She hated showers. She only just learnt to swim. She loved chum and was fussy with dry food. She licked the dishwasher when it was open. She ate the crums off the kitchen floor. She ate dirty knickers if they where on the floor. She tried to get dropped food scraps from under the oven. She liked it when food was in her red ball. She didn't like fireworks or loud noises. She played with the wrapping paper at christmas. She got spooked by small things. She always wanted to get on the sofa. She begged whenever we had food. She would do a bum shuffle on the carpet. Whenever there was a pillow or blanket on the floor she would lay on it. She found it hard to jump on and off my bed. She knew the sound of the car pulling in the drive. She loved running up and down the garden with me. She could never catch a rabbit. She run out to greet people when they knocked on the door. She sat on peoples feet. She made funny noises in her dreams. She could sleep all day. She liked digging. She loved the vets. She smelt other people lots if they had pets. Her hair got on everything. She chased Tiggy around. She had smelly breath sometimes. she had a funny ear. Her ears where really soft. She didn't like it if you pulled her tail. She loved playing with the rope. She was obsessed with the squeaker. She tried to play with Tiggy's toys. She let us dress her up. She didn't like her tablets or her medicine. She ran away when she farted or would jump off your lap if you farted. She licked the yoghurt off the lid. She ate out of empty crisp packets. She liked to play with the cork. She looked sad when we left the house. She didn't like it when I sang. She looked at me funny when I got changed in front of her. Her nails got really long. She wiggled her bum when she walked. She ran around with the empty toilet role holder. When she was asleep and heard a rustle she would wake up. She didn't like wearing her coat at winter. She got scared when Paddington fell over. She always sat near someone. She eat the cat's food. She eat the Guinea pigs poo. She liked to chase rats. She tilted her head to the side when you said her name in a high pitched voice. She was good at catching spiders, she flung them around the room. She liked rolling around on the carpet and rubbing her face into it. She closed her eyes when she was content. Her feet made a noise on the tiles. When she laid in my bed she'd get as close to me as possible, sometimes laying on me. She barked if you clapped when trying to catch a fly. She licked dropped egg from the floor. She was our Boo Boo, our Boobie, our Belle, our Baby, our Boo and Our Bella. She was loved and will always be missed.

Rainbow Bridge

"There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of all its beautiful colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass. When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. The old and frail animals are young again. Those who were sick, hurt or in pain are made whole again. There is only one thing missing, they are not with their special person who loved them so much on earth. So each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up! The nose twitches! The ears are up! The eyes are staring and this one runs from the group! You have been seen and when you and your special friend meet, you take her in your arms and hug her. She licks and kisses your face again and again - and you look once more into the eyes of your best friend and trusting pet. Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together never again to be apart."

Bella you will be forever loved, have fun in doggy heaven.

Love, your family.

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